People’s bodies are amazingly resilient and are able to heal themselves when their nervous and immune systems are working in tip-top conditions. Your chiropractor in San Francisco CA is able to adjust your spine carefully to ensure your neural pathways are working as they should so that your body can function the best way it can.

The spinal column is key in supporting the body in a variety of ways ranging from protection to mobility, to communication. Without the spine, your extremities and organs would not be able to function due to the loss of communication with the brain. If the spine is in optimal condition, the body will soon follow.

In purely utilitarian terms, it makes sense to seek chiropractic care. Modern healthcare is heavily predicated on prescription drugs and expensive medical procedures. However, by simply maintaining the body and allowing it to function as it should, a ton of money can be saved in the search for true health.


The regions of the back and neck are prone to experiencing pain and soreness that impede the proper flow of information throughout the spinal column. Chiropractic care is effective in relieving this pain and allow to get back to living your life.

There is no doubt that for some conditions surgery may be the better option but the vast majority of conditions can be cared for with conservative care that aids the body in healing itself. Chiropractic care simply is the most effective and natural type of healthcare available that can help provide relief and greater health.

Contact Louis Valencia, DC, CSCS in San Francisco CA today for your free consultation.

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